October 26, 2010
by ourcompassadmin
Chamberlin, a lab-mix, was abandoned and found tethered to a tree, emaciated, and too weak to stand. His frail body was discovered when someone attempted to mow the lawn. Chamberlin endured neglect that no living creature should have to experience. He survived two long, grueling months without food, little water, and no shelter. Nelli Brock and Wilbert Morrison, Jr., have been charged with 2 counts of felony animal cruelty and are expected in court on Friday, October 29, 2010. We have only three days to contact the district attorney asking for the harshest penalty. You may use the Sample Letter as a guide so that the DA receives a variety of messages.
The Case
Chamberlin’s Story
Chamberlin’s Physical Therapy
Look into those sweet, loving eyes and take a minute our of your day to write an e-mail to the DA’s office today. Please don’t put this off…do it now! For justice for this sweet little boy who has already suffered far too long at the hands of his abusers.
Please contact the ADA that is prosecuting this case in North Carolina asking him to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law regarding the inhumane, evil people who starved and neglected Chamberlain for 2 months!
Doug Henderson, Guilford County DA
Dear District Attorney Henderson,
I have learned of extremely disturbing and malicious case of animal cruelty allegedly committed by Ms. Nelli Brock and Mr. Wilbert Morrison, Jr., and I am writing to express my support of imposing the maximum penalty. The victim, a dog named Chamberlin, was deliberately neglected, forced to endure an agonizing two months tethered to a tree with no food, little water, and no companionship. As the result of this neglect and subsequent malnutrition, Chamberlin was unable to even walk and was hidden in the tall grasses; he was only found when the lawn was being mowed. It is essential to recognize that the decision to harm this gentle, innocent non-human animal was premeditated as demonstrated by the chronicle of abusive events beginning with Chamberlin being abandoned.
When I try to imagine what possible motive animal abusers entertain for subjecting their animal victims to such malicious, heinous acts of brutality, I fail, but I am thankful for a lack of cognitive understanding and rationalization. To voluntarily engage in such malicious behaviour suggests sadistic tendencies, and Ms. Brock’s and Mr. Morrison’s behaviour, causing unmitigated pain and suffering, demonstrates their incontrovertible lack of morality regarding other living beings and a gross disrespect for the law. In fact, a person who shows such a remarkable lack of compassion towards non-human animals has the ability to show such indifference towards human animals. This link between animal and human abuse has been established, and if we excuse this criminal behaviour by offering a lesser punishment we only harm ourselves by unjustly nullifying cruelty as acceptable behaviour.
I as well as a national contingent of concerned people are hoping that you will take an unyielding position against animal cruelty and hold these two accountable by sentencing them in accordance with the maximum penalty allowed. If the justice system does not administer the harshest penalty available, it is indeed excusing this malicious behaviour towards sentient beings, and to excuse this type of cruelty harms all by disregarding the basic moral tenet of respecting life and appreciating the value of it. Apathy permeates throughout society and damages all, and we therefore need to teach our children that the law does not excuse, allow, or enable cruelty against human or non-human animals. We need to demonstrate in both word and action that the human essence of empathy does not exist to excuse maliciousness, it exists to provide compassion and justice to the brutalized and punishment to those who willingly deviate from this capacity. If we do not do our duty to provide this, we harm animals and invite injustice into our society.
I know your time is limited and I want to thank you for your attention and consideration.
For two additional sample messages, please click HERE but modify accordingly, thank you.
Related Article:
Two charged with animal cruelty charges in High Point (charlotte.news14.com)
dear D.A. henderson
chamberlin such a little pup
tethered to a tree
noone cared whether he
grew up
left to die in this purgatory
please set an example
for all the world
that this cruelty
will not be tolerated
let your humane flag
fly unfurled
no living thing to
this tortured,
should ever again be
Karen Lyons Kalmenson